Home> Blog> Community Call on Assessment

This post originally appeared on the Data Carpentry website

Dr. Kari L. Jordan, Data Carpentry’s Deputy Director of Assessment, will be speaking on the Community Call on the impact our workshops have on our learners. Kari will cover the results of our post-workshop surveys including learner attitudes, learner data management and analysis skills prior to and following our workshops, and learner attitudes toward Data Carpentry instructors. Come and hear about our successes and share your thoughts. It’s going to be an informative community call!

Can’t make the call? The Data Carpentry Assessment Report is online too and available on our Assessment page.

Community Call Information

First meeting
7am Pacific / 10am Eastern / 2pm UTC / 1am (Oct 21) Sydney

Second meeting
4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern / 11pm UTC / 10am (Oct 21) Sydney